Hi, keep losing the money in the fb casino slot? Here is some tips to winning back your losses:
1. Download the latest cheat engine (CE 6.3)
2. Open up your browser ( either chrome or firefox ) p.s personally preferred chrome
3. Start the game.
4. Open up the cheat engine and the browser side by side.
5. Open the process list in the cheat engine.
For chrome browser( select last chrome.exe )
For firefox user (select the second flashplayer plugin).
6. Select a slot game ( I've chosen jungle wild)
Set the bet to $.50 and spin it one time, then input value of 50 in CE and click new scan.
Next, set the bet to $1 and spin it one time again,then change the input value to 100 in CE and click next scan. Thus, the address bar should be only shown one result and double click it.
change the value to 1 and cross (X) the active box,then spin it until a free spin award.
So, a 5 free spins award, before start it make sure input value of 4 in the CE. Now start the free spin and click the new scan in the CE. Eg, if remaining spin is 3 then input value 3 for the next scan. Do until get 1 result in the address bar.
After getting 1 result,double click the result and make sure to cross (X) the active box first in order to get infinity spin. Congratz,you're almost done.
8. Now, change the bet value of 1 to any amount you like eg,100000. Now, spin and win it :))
P.S: When you want to quit,just uncross the active box and let the remaining spin over.